
Keylight 1.2 out of memory
Keylight 1.2 out of memory

If you didn’t plant seeds of greatness in me, you certainly unearthed them! God bless you.Ĭhaining: Putting the Power of Vivid Images to W o rkĪdvanced Mega Memory: Review and Introductionĭay-to-day Reminders: From Birthdays to Presidents And finally to Dexter Yager, the dream builder. T o Ed Forem an, the first motivational speaker I ever heard, whose words have helped me motivate toward action every day. T hanks also to Peter Tocci, whose work on this text was invaluable, M atthew Goerke, Andy Ambraziejus, and Kathy Niemeyer: T hank you all for touching my life and m aking a last­ ing impact. T o Blaine A thorn, whose brilliance keeps am azing me day after day. M ark D ufner, the m an with the best natural memory I have ever seen: His personal power has always been awe­ inspiring. It was their sharing and willingness to learn that helped me become better!įirst, thanks go to Michael Van Masters for his determ i­ nation and courage in the pursuit o f Teaching Memory Training across the nation. M a rk Dufner Fred Van Liew Blaine Athorn Jeremy Haworth Dave Coffill Matthew Goerke This boo\ is dedicated to all o f the “memory masters” I have had the pleasure and honor o f being associated with over the last fifteen years: Michael Van Masters J.

keylight 1.2 out of memory

Printed in the United States o f America FIRST EDITION Kevin T ru d e a u ’s Mega M em ory : how to release your superpow er m em ory in 30 m inutes or less a day / Kevin T rudeau, p. L ibrary o f Congress C ataloging-in-Publication D ata T ru d ea u, Kevin. It is the policy o f W illiam M orrow and Com pany, Inc., and its im prints and affiliates, recognizing the im portance o f preserving w hat has been w ritten, to print the books we publish on acid-free paper, and we exert o ur best efforts to that end. Inquiries should be addressed to Perm issions D e­ partm ent, W illiam M orrow and Com pany, Inc., 1350 A venue o f the Americas, New Y ork, N.Y. N o part o f this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any m eans, electronic or m echanical, including photocopying, re­ cording, or by any inform ation storage or retrieval system, w ithout permission in w riting from the Publisher. C opyright © 1995 by Kevin T ru d ea u All rights reserved. Any applications o f the treatm ents set forth in this book are at the reader’s discretion. You should consult your physician before adopting the procedures in this book. All m atters regarding your health require m edical supervision. T his book is not intended to replace the services o f a trained health professional.

keylight 1.2 out of memory

Kevin Trudeau’s Mega Memory™ How to Release Your Superpower Memory in 30 Minutes or Less a Day

Keylight 1.2 out of memory